Coachman auto insurance can be tailored to meet your needs, whether you want to change your deductible or have greater protection from storm damage.
You can choose from different kinds of coverage, like collision or comprehensive, that deal with specific kinds of damage to your vehicle.
You can even choose different deductibles for each kind of coverage and add additional coverage options for a small cost.
Collision or upset coverage
Collision or upset coverage protects you if your vehicle is damaged in an accident with another vehicle or a single vehicle collision where your vehicle hits another object or rolls over. It also comes with increased liability protection starting at the minimum of $200,000, but available up to $2 million.
Comprehensive coverage
Comprehensive coverage protects you if your vehicle is damaged by something other than collision or upset, such as vandalism, as well as specified perils (like hail or theft).
Specified perils
You're protected from all specified perils as listed in your policy booklet if you purchase comprehensive coverage. These specified perils include:
- hail
- fire
- theft
- wind
- lightning