When you purchase Coachman auto insurance, you get 3rd-party liability coverage and Family protection coverage of at least $200,000.
Here are some of the other benefits that automatically come with your auto policy.
14-day coverage
When you have all your vehicles insured with us, you have coverage for newly acquired vehicles, as long as you contact your broker within 14 days to add the vehicle to your policy.
Accident Benefits coverage
If you or any of the passengers in your vehicle are injured or killed in an accident, we'll cover medical/rehabilitation costs, funeral expenses, death benefits, and income replacement, as per the limits of the policy. Read the policy booklet for details.
Deductible waiver
Your deductible is waived for losses caused by fire or lightning.
This coverage is free of charge if you have collision and comprehensive coverage on your vehicle. It provides you, your spouse and any drivers listed on your policy coverage for physical damage to a rental or borrowed vehicle. Review damage to non-owned automobiles for details.
Family Protection coverage
When you purchase a Coachman auto policy, you automatically get Family Protection coverage.
It is not liability coverage. It is extra coverage that protects you and your family when the at-fault driver doesn't have enough liability coverage.
Family Protection covers you if you, or an eligible family member, is injured in an automobile accident caused by someone who does not carry enough insurance to cover the full amount of your eligible claim. This is particularly important when driving in the U.S. where the minimum amount of insurance drivers must have is as low as $25,000 in some states.
Family Protection coverage matches your liability amount up to $2 million.
Uninsured Automobile
Provides coverage to you, your passengers and your vehicle, against uninsured motorists and hit-and-run drivers.